all {base}R Documentation

Are All Values True?


Given a set of logical vectors, are all of the values true?


all(..., na.rm = FALSE)


... one or more logical vectors. Other objects are coerced in a similar way as as.logical.default.
na.rm logical. If true NA values are removed before the result is computed.


This is a generic function: methods can be defined for it directly or via the Summary group generic. For this to work properly, the arguments ... should be unnamed, and dispatch is on the first argument.


Given a sequence of logical arguments, a logical value indicating whether or not all of the elements of x are TRUE.
The value returned is TRUE if all of the values in x are TRUE, and FALSE if any of the values in x are FALSE.
If na.rm = FALSE and x consists of a mix of TRUE and NA values, the value is NA.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

any, the “complement” of all, and stopifnot(*) which is an all(*) “insurance”.


range(x <- sort(round(rnorm(10) - 1.2, 1)))
if(all(x < 0)) cat("all x values are negative\n")

[Package base version 2.5.0 Index]