Abstracts Details


First Name * : CHARITA
Last Name * : PANT
Affiliation * : Kumaun University
Abstract Type * : Poster
Title * : Study of intrinsic properties of type II and associated type III solar radio bursts for solar cycle 24
Author(s) * : Charita Pant, Bimal Pande, Seema Pande
Abstract Session * : Solar flares and coronal mass ejections
Abstract * : In the present work statistical analysis of the relationship between type II and associated type III solar radio bursts is presented. We have considered only those events in which time interval between type II and associated type III is 30 minutes. These radio bursts are observed by Culgoora radio spectrograph for solar cycle 24. We have also analyzed the intrinsic properties of these events and found that the mean values of starting frequency, drift rate and shock speed of type II radio bursts are significantly higher than those of the associated type III radio bursts. Correlation coefficient are also computed for various parameters including starting and ending frequencies for type II and associated type III solar radio bursts.