Abstracts Details


First Name * : HEMA
Last Name * : KHARAYAT
Abstract Type * : Poster
Title * : Origin, activation, and eruption of a complex hot channel from a CME producing solar active region
Author(s) * : Hema Kharayat, Bhuwan Joshi and Syed Ibrahim
Abstract Session * : Solar flares and coronal mass ejections
Abstract * : The contemporary studies reveal that the hot channels found in complex active regions are the earliest signatures of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In this paper, we present multi-wavelength and multi-instrument observations to understand the origin and eruption of a hot channel which produced a major M7.3 flare and a high speed halo CME. Initial signatures of the formation and activation of the hot channel were gathered from the observation taken by Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory. The examination of the 94 Å and 193 Å images suggests that the hot channel was formed in the pre-flare phase following the expansion of sheared core fields. The photospheric magnetic structures of the active region displayed βγ configuration. Flare associated CME observations taken by the LASCO coronagraph show its linear speed and acceleration to be 1203 km/s and 13.5 m/s2 respectively with the range of 2 Rʘ to 30 Rʘ (where Rʘ denotes the solar radius). The analyses of in-situ measurements at L1 indicate that the magnetic structure of the hot channel (i.e, a flux rope) arrived at near Earth region after ~66.5 hours from the launch and produce clear signature of interplanetary shock and magnetic cloud. The magnetic field modeling of the solar source active region is performed to probe the magnetic structure of the hot channel and its subsequent destabilization.