How to Reach Kodaikanal

  • Air Connection
  • The nearest airport to the Kodaikanal Observatory is Madurai (130 km from Kodaikanal Observatory) in the state of Tamil Nadu.

  • Rail Connection
  • The nearest railway stations are Kodaikanal Road (80 km from Kodaikanal observatory) and Madurai (130 km from Kodaikanal Observatory).

  • Road Connection
  • Kodaikanal Observatory is located 4 km from Kodaikanal town and may be reached by road from Bangalore, via Salem and Dindigul, and from Madurai via Kodai road.

Suggested modes of travel

Option 1: One can come to Bangalore, and take road transport to Kodaikanal, which will be mostly by taxi or bus. This part of journey takes about 10 hrs.

Option 2: Alternatively, one can reach Madurai from where it will take about 3 hrs to reach Kodaikanal by taxi or bus.

Weather conditions: January is distinctly cooler with a high of 15°c and a low of 5°c.

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