Abstracts Details


First Name * : Vasco Manuel
Last Name * : de Jorge Henriques
Affiliation * : Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics
Abstract Type * : Poster
Title * : Coronal Type-II Spicules
Author(s) * : V. M. J. Henriques
Abstract Session * : Thermal and magnetic coupling through the atmosphere
Abstract * : That there is an impact of quiet-Sun type-II spicules on the million-degree corona has been shown via robust statistical analysis performed on features extracted via single thresholding of running difference maps. However, only a few visual examples have been published in the literature in a form separate from noise features as the latter cannot be discarded in tests of the null hypothesis. We present an extended set of such visual examples where on-disk spicule counterparts connect to, and co-evolve with, the Fe IX 171 passband as observed by AIA.