Abstracts Details


First Name * : Abhishek
Last Name * : Rajhans
Affiliation * : Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Abstract Type * : Poster
Title * : Simulations of Hi-C brightenings
Author(s) * : Abhishek Rajhans, Durgesh Tripathi, Vinay Kashyap
Abstract Session * : Thermal and magnetic coupling through the atmosphere
Abstract * : Simultaneous observations from both Hi-C and AIA and revealed some of the smallest observed brightenings in extreme ultraviolet range. These point like transient brightenings reported in Subramaniam et al 2018 were found to have conduction as dominant mechanism of energy loss. Our aim was to simulate brightenings similar to these and study it's energetics. We studied the time evolution of conduction, radiation and enthalpy. Our simulation results were consistent with conduction being dominant mechanism of energy loss.