Abstracts Details


First Name * : Shanwlee
Last Name * : Sow Mondal
Affiliation * : JRF
Abstract Type * : Poster
Title * : Coronal spectral line asymmetry and its relation to type II spicules
Author(s) * : Shanwlee Sow Mondal, Aveek Sarkar
Abstract Session * : Thermal and magnetic coupling through the atmosphere
Abstract * : Since their discovery, type II spicules are thought to be one of the prime candidates behind keeping the lower corona at million degrees Kelvin, as well as responsible for supplying mass to the lower corona. One way to understand such mass supply is through analysing the asymmetric spectral line profile. In this work, we simulate the flow of cold plasma in the coronal magnetic structure, and find that shock can produce a rise in temperature. For further analysis, synthetic coronal spectral lines are produced from the simulated data through forward modelling. Studying the red-blue asymmetric nature of this reveal that spicules are indeed capable of contributing mass to the corona significantly. We also analyse the earlier theoretical study of Klimchuk(2012) and find that the underlying simplified assumptions in that prevents one to conclude in favour of type II spicules, thereby simultaneously affecting the conclusions of the follow-up observational results as well.