Abstracts Details


First Name * : Anjali
Last Name * : Kaithakkal
Affiliation * : Leibniz Institute for Solar Physics
Abstract Type * : Oral
Title * : A quite-sun magnetic flux cancelation observed with GREGOR/IFU
Author(s) * : Anjali. J. Kaithakkal, J. M. Borrero, C. E. Fischer, C. Dominguez, and M. Collados
Abstract Session * : Thermal and magnetic coupling through the atmosphere
Abstract * : A quiet-sun magnetic flux cancelation event at disk centre was recorded using the Integral Field Unit (IFU) mounted on the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS). IFU sampled the event in the photospheric Si I 10827.1 Å spectral line. We found that the flux cancelation is preceded by a significant rise in line core intensity and temperature, which sustained even during flux cancelation. We also found that the border pixels, neighbouring the polarity inversion line (PIL), of one of the polarity exhibit a systematic variation of area asymmetry, which peaks right after the line core intensity enhancement and, gradually declines afterwards. The event suggests that the border pixels of opposite polarity on either side of the PIL can provide hints of reconnection related cancelation.