Please click on year button to open the result by year. |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Results of interviews for temporary positions |
01 | IIA/21/2024-25 | Project Engineer - I (Software) | 25.01.2025 |
02 | IIA/19/2024-25 | Engineer Trainee (Electrical) | 29.11.2024 |
03 | IIA/17/2024-25 | Project Research Assistant | 23.11.2024 |
04 | IIA/16/2024-25 | Project Engineer (Electronics)-I | 23.11.2024 |
05 | IIA/10/2024 | Engineer Trainee (IT Support) | 23.09.2024 & 24.09.2024 |
06 | IIA/09/2024 | Library Trainee | 23.08.2024 |
07 | IIA/15/2024-25 | Project Assistant | 27.08.2024 |
08 | IIA/14/2024-25 | Project Associate - I | 05.08.2024 |
09 | IIA/13/2024-25/01 | ENGINEER TRAINEE (Computer) | 25.07.2024 |
10 | IIA/13/2024-25/02 | ENGINEER TRAINEE (Electronics) | 25.07.2024 |
11 | IIA/13/2024-25/03 | ENGINEER TRAINEE (Electrical) | 26.07.2024 |
12 | IIA/13/2024-25/04 | ENGINEER TRAINEE (Civil) | 26.07.2024 |
13 | IIA/11/2024-25 | Project Scientific Assistant | 08.07.2024 |
14 | IIA/12/24-25 | Project Engineer - I (Mechanical) | 03.07.2024 |
15 | IIA/02/2024 | Project Engineer -I (Mechanical) | 20.05.2024 |
16 | IIA/03/2024 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics/Controls) | 21.05.2024 |
17 | IIA/06/2024 | Principal Project Associate | 15.05.2024 |
18 | IIA/07/2024 | Project Associate - I | 16.05.2024 |
Result of interview/examination conducted for regular positions |
01 | IIA/31/2022/7B | Junior Technical Assistant (Computer & IT) | 24.07.2024 |
02 | IIA/31/2022/5B | Junior Research Assistant (Observations) | 28.04.2024 |
03 | IIA/31/2022/5A | Junior Research Assistant (Observations) | 28.04.2024 |
04 | IIA/31/2022/2 | Mechanic 'A' (Carpentry) | 21.03.2024 |
05 | IIA/31/2022/3 | Electrician 'A' | 20.03.2024 |
06 | IIA/31/2022/4 | Junior Technical Assistant (Electronics) | 22.03.2024 |
07 | IIA/31/2022/6 | Junior Technical Assistant (Optics) | 20.03.2024 |
08 | IIA/31/2022/7A | Junior Technical Assistant (Computer and IT) | 20.03.2024 |
09 | IIA/31/2022/8 | Junior Technical Assistant (Electricals) | 20.03.2024 |
10 | IIA/31/2022/9 | Horticultural Assistant | 27.12.2023 |
Results of interviews for temporary positions |
01 | IIA/05/2024 | Project Assistant (COSMOS outreach) | 27.02.2024 |
02 | IIA/21/2023 | Project Associate - I | 28.02.2024 |
03 | IIA/18/2023 | Engineering Trainee (Electronics/Controls) | 05.02.2024 |
04 | IIA/04/2024 | Technical Assistant (Optics) | 12.02.2024 |
05 | IIA/01/2024 | Project Engineer-I | 25.01.2024 |
06 | IIA/23/2023 | Engineer Trainee (Civil) | - |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Results of interviews held during the period 16.10.2023 to 31.12.2023 for temporary positions |
01 | IIA/13/2023 | Project Engineer-I (Optics) | 05.12.2023 |
02 | IIA/14/2023 | Project Engineer-I (Mechanical) | 04.12.2023 |
03 | IIA/12/2023 | Project Research Assistant | 06.12.2023 |
04 | IIA/22/2023 | Project Scientist –II | 07.12.2023 |
05 | IIA/16/2023 | Research Associate-I/II/III or Research Fellow | 25.11.2023 |
06 | IIA/17/2023 | Research Associate-I/Research Fellow | 20.11.2023 |
07 | IIA/09/2023 | Project Assistant | 31.10.2023 |
Result of interviews/examinations conducted for various regular positions |
01 | IIA/31/2022/1 | Engineer ‘B’ (Optics) | 03.08.2023 |
02 | IIA/32/2022/2 | Administrative Assistant | 09.10.2023 |
03 | IIA/32/2022/1 | Upper Division Clerk | 13.10.2023 |
Result of interviews held during the period 11.08.2023 to 15.10.2023 for temporary positions |
01 | IIA/10/2023 | Library Trainee | 11.09.2023 |
02 | IIA/15/2023 | Project Engineer-I/Engineer Trainee (Electronics/Controls) | 31.08.2023 |
Result of Interviews held for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/14/04/2021 (KSO, Kodaikanal) IIA/14/05/2021 (CREST) & IIA/14/06/2021 (VBO, Kavalur) |
Junior Research Assistant (Observations) | 20.01.2023 |
Result of Interviews held for Temporary Positions. |
01 | IIA/07/2023 | Project Engineer-I (ERP) | - |
02 | IIA/11/2023 | Project Engineer – I (Electronics/Controls) | 26.06.2023 |
03 | IIA/04/2023 | Laboratory Technician | 21.06.2023 |
04 | IIA/05/2023 | Engineer Trainee (IT Support) | 05.06.2023 |
05 | IIA/03/2023 | Astronomy Outreach Trainee | 12.05.2023 |
06 | IIA/02/2023 | Research Associate-I | 22.02.2023 |
07 | IIA/08/2023 | Junior Technician –II (Optics) | 17.04.2023 |
08 | IIA/30/2022 | Library Trainee | 06.04.2023 |
09 | IIA/06/2023 | Project Engineer –In-Charge (On Contractual basis) | 24.03.2023 |
10 | IIA/01/2023 | Project Engineer – I (ERP) | 14.02.2023 |
11 | IIA/26/2022 | Engineer Trainee(Electronics/Controls) | 09.02.2023 |
12 | IIA/29/2022 | Engineer Trainee (IT Support) | 17.01.2023 |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of Interviews held for Temporary Positions. |
01 | IIA/07/2022 | Research Trainee (Observations) |
02 | IIA/08/2022 | Research Trainee | 19.12.2022 |
03 | IIA/12/2022 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 07-12-2022 |
04 | IIA/15/2022 | CNC Programmer Cum Operator (Mechanical) | 05-12-2022 & 06-12-2022 |
05 | IIA/18/2022 | Project Associate-I | 29.12.2022 |
06 | IIA/25/2022 | Short Term JRF | 18-11-2022 |
07 | IIA/27/2022 | Site Engineer | 27.12.2022 |
08 | IIA/28/2022 | Project Engineer–in-Charge | 28.12.2022 |
Result of interviews held during the period May 2022 to September 2022 for temporary positions. |
01 | IIA/03/2022 | Library Trainee | 04-07-2022 and 05-07-2022 |
02 | IIA/04/2022 | CNC Milling Operator (Mechanical) | - |
03 | IIA/06/2022 | Project Scientist-I | 30-06-2022 |
04 | IIA/09/2022 | Junior Research Fellow | 20-06-2022 |
05 | IIA/10/2022 | CNC Milling Programmer Cum Operator | - |
06 | IIA/11/2022 | Post Doctoral Fellow-DST | 01-08-2022 |
07 | IIA/13/2022 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 16-08-2022 and 17-08-2022 |
08 | IIA/14/2022 | Laboratory Technician | 27-06-2022 |
09 | IIA/16/2022 | Project Engineer-I | 22-08-2022 |
10 | IIA/17/2022 | Project Engineer-I (Electronics) | 23-08-2022 |
11 | IIA/19/2022 | Project Associate-I | 06-09-2022 |
12 | IIA/20/2022 | Project Assistant | 07-09-2022 |
13 | IIA/22/2022 | Project Engineer-I (Electronics) | 14-10-2022 |
Result of Interviews held for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/14/01/2021 | Jr. Technical Assistant (Electronics) - Bangalore | 14.06.2022 |
02 | IIA/14/02/2021 | Jr. Technical Assistant (Electronics) - Gauribidanur | 15.06.2022 |
03 | IIA/14/03/2021 | Jr. Technical Assistant (Electronics) - Kodaikanal | 16.06.2022 |
04 | IIA/15/02/2021 | Upper Division Clerk | 07.06.2022 |
Result of written test held in May 2022 for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/15/01/2021 | Administrative Assistant – UR Category | 30.05.2022 |
02 | IIA/15/01/2021 | Administrative Assistant – OBC Category | 30.05.2022 |
Result of interviews held during the period March to April 2022 for temporary positions. |
01 | IIA/16/2021 | Research Trainee (Optics) | 09.03.2022 to 11.03.2022 |
02 | IIA/17/2021 | Engineer Trainee (IT Support) | 29.03.2022 to 31.03.2022 |
03 | IIA/18/2021 | Research Trainee (Observations) | - |
04 | IIA/19/2021 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 20.04.2022 |
05 | IIA/20/2021 | Senior Consultant (Mechanical) (Quality Control & Assurance) | 06.04.2022 |
06 | IIA/21/2021 | Project Engineer-II (Mechanical) (Quality Control & Assurance) | 11.04.2022 |
07 | IIA/01/2022 | Engineer Trainee (Web) | 07.03.2022 |
08 | IIA/02/2022 | Consultant- Principal Engineer | 07.04.2022 |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of interviews held during the period October and November 2021 for temporary positions. |
01 | IIA/08/2021 | Research Trainee (Simulations) | 25.10.2021 and 26.10.2021 |
02 | IIA/09/2021 | Project Engineer-I (Optics) | 20.10.2021 |
03 | IIA/10/2021 | Project Engineer-I (Mechanical Engineering) | 21.10.2021 |
04 | IIA/11/2021 | Project Engineer-I (Electronics) | 22.10.2021 |
05 | IIA/12/2021 | Project Engineer-I (Electronics) | 20.10.2021 |
06 | IIA/13/2021 | Project Engineer-II (Optics) | 12.11.2021 |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of interviews held during the period September 2021 for temporary positions. |
01 | IIA/07/2021 | Project Trainee (Mechanical) | 13.09.2021 and 14.09.2021 |
Result of interviews held during the period April to August 2021 for temporary positions. |
01 | IIA/01/2021 | Museum Trainee | 10.08.2021 |
02 | IIA/03/2021 | Project Scientist-I | 09.04.2021 |
03 | IIA/04/2021 | Research Associate | 20.05.2021 |
04 | IIA/05/2021 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 26.07.2021 |
05 | IIA/06/2021 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 16.08.2021 |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of Interviews held for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/13/2019/03 | Upper Division Clerk | 29.01.2021 |
Result of Interviews held for Temporary Positions. |
01 | IIA/07/2020 | Engineer Trainee (Civil) | 26.02.2021 | Mr. Arunkumar D |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of Written/Skill test held in December 2020 for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/15/2019 | Section Officer | 02.12.2020 | Mr. Manish Soni | Result of Interviews held in November 2020 for Temporary Positions. |
01 | IIA/05/2020 | Engineer Trainee (Web) | 11.11.2020 | Mr. Anit Kumar |
02 | IIA/06/2020 | Engineer Trainee (IT Support) | 09.11.2020 & 10.11.2020 |
1. Mr. Ranjith Rajagopalan 2. Mr. Syed Mohd Anas |
Result of Interviews held during July and September 2020 for Temporary Positions. |
01 | IIA/02/2020 | Post Doctoral Fellow (TMT Project) | 14.07.2020 | Dr. Sarang Shashikant Shah |
02 | IIA/03/2020 | Project Engineer-II (TMT Project) | 16.07.2020 | Mr. Karthic Kumar |
03 | IIA/17/2019 | Library Trainee | 07.09.2020 & 08.09.2020 | 1. Mr. Vangapandu Prasad 2. Ms. Sanghita De 3. Ms. Jothilakshmi K. |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of Interviews held during March 2020 for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/15/2019/01 | Engineer 'C' | 05.03.2020 | Mr. Deshmukh Prasanna Gajanan |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of Written/Skill test held during January 2020 for Regular Positions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01 | IIA/13/2019/01 | Mechanical Assistant (OBC) | 07.01.2020 | Mr. Bandaru Chakra Prasanna | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02 | IIA/13/2019/02 | Technical Assistant (Electronics) (UR) |
07.01.2020 | Mr. Sathyanarayanan S. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
03 | IIA/13/2019/04 | Mechanic 'A' (OBC) | 07.01.2020 | 1) Mr. Arumugam P. 2) Mr. M.S. Arjunan |
Result of interviews held during the period January and February 2020 for temporary positions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02 | IIA/16/2019 | Research Associate | 02.01.2020 | 1) Mr. Rakesh Mazumder | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
03 | IIA/01/2020/02 | Project Scientific Assistant |
03.02.2020 | 1) Ms. Dasamantarao Utkarsha 2) Mr. Mrityunjay Kumar Sinha |
04 | IIA/01/2020/01 | Project Scientist- II | 10.02.2020 | 1) Dr. Kantepalli Sasikumar Raja 2) Dr. G. Sindhuja 3) Ms. V. Muthu Priyal |
Result of Interviews held for Regular Positions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01 | IIA/15/2019/02 | Accounts Officer | 31.01.2020 | None selected | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate | Result of written/computer test held during September 2019 for UDC Positions. |
01 | IIA/02/2019/03 | Upper Division Clerk | 20.09.2019 | 1) Ms. Sonia Sharma (UR) (Reg. ID IIA/02/2019/03/0600) 2) Mr. Sathish. K (UR) (Reg. ID IIA/02/2019/03/0220) 3)Mr. A. SUSAI ARUL PRAGASAM (OBC) (Reg. ID IIA/02/2019/03/0208) 4) Mr. M. Naveen Kumar (OBC) (Reg. ID IIA/02/2019/03/0358) |
Result of interviews held during the period from September to October 2019 for temporary positions |
01 | IIA/07/2019/03 | Project Trainee(Mechanical) | 14.10.2019 | 1)Mr.Snehashis Bhattacharya 2)Mr.Ananthu CM |
Result of interviews held during the period from August to September 2019 for temporary positions |
01 | IIA/07/2019/01 | Project Engineer - II(Electronics/Instrumentation) | 27.08.2019 | Mr.Deshmukh Prasanna Gajanan |
02 | IIA/07/2019/02 | Project Engineer - I (Electronics) | 28.08.2019 | Mr. Ravikumar Jain |
03 | IIA/14/2019 | Jr. Research Fellow_DST Project | 16.09.2019 | Mr. Aditya Priyadarshi | Result of interviews,Written/Skill test held during August 2019 for Regular Positions. |
01 | IIA/02/2019/01 | Engineer-B(Civil) | 02.08.2019 | Mr.Srinivasa K.V |
02 | IIA/02/2019/02 | Technical Assistant (Electrical) | 21.08.2019 | Mr.Jalapari Kishore Kumar |
03 | IIA/19/2018 | Project Engineer-I (Optics) | 28.02.2019 | Mr. Amirul Hasan |
04 | IIA/03/2019 | Research Associate-II | 19.03.2019 | Mr. Manjunath Hegde |
05 | IIA/08/2019 | Research Trainee (Simulations) | 20.05.2019 | Ms. Akriti Singh |
06 | IIA/09/2019 | Research Trainee (Optics) | 21.05.2019 | Mr. Vishnu Unni.C |
07 | IIA/04/2019 | Computer Technician | 17.06.2019 | Mr. N. Ashok Kumar |
08 | IIA/05/2019 | Project Engineer- I (Instrumentation) | 14.06.2019 | Mr. Sreekanth Reddy.V |
09 | IIA/06/2019/01 | Engineer Trainee (Computer) | 20.06.2019 | Ms. Sonam Dolkar |
10 | IIA/06/2019/02 | Engineer Trainee (Electrical/Electronics) | 20.06.2019 | Mr. Padma Dorjay | Result of interviews held during the period from June to July 2019 for temporary positions |
10 | IIA/10/2019 | Junior Research Fellow-DST Project | 25.06.2019 | Mr. Sambit Ratha |
11 | IIA/11/2019 | Laboratory Technician (Electrical) | 18.07.2019 | Mr. Rajesh Ulhas Naik |
12 | IIA/12/2019 | Project Scientific Assistant | 19.07.2019 | 1) Mr. Akhilesh.V.M 2) Mr. Anil. P 3) Ms. Bhavana S. Hegde 4) None |
Result of interviews held during the period from June to July 2019 for Regular Positions. |
13 | IIA/01/2019 | Scientist ‘C’ (UR) | 21.06.2019 | Dr. Chrisphin Karthick |
14 | IIA/20/2018/01 | Administrative Assistant (OBC) | 05.07.2019 | Ms. K. Thejaswini |
15 | IIA/20/2018/02 | Upper Division Clerk (PWD-HI) | 05.07.2019 | Mr. Sayee Kishan Reddy. T |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate |
01 | IIA/16/2018 | Library Trainee | 22/11/2018 | 1) Ms. Anju V.C. 2) Ms. Shobanayashika. R |
02 | IIA/17/2018 | Project Engineer- I (Optics) | 12/11/2018 | 1) Ms. Annie Varghese 2) Mr. Shalabh Mishra |
03 | IIA/18/2018 | Project Engineer-I (Data archive and proposal management system) | 28/11/2018 | Mr. Mahammad Jafar Bankapur |
04 | IIA/13/2018 | Project Engineer – I (Electronics) | 12/11/2018 | Mr. Varun Kumar |
05 | IIA/09/2018 | Project Engineer – I (Mechanical) | 04/09/2018 | Mr. Sandeep D.S |
06 | IIA/08/2018/02 | Project Technician (Electronics) | 03/09/2018 | Mr. Sanal Krishnan |
07 | IIA/08/2018/01 | Project Engineer – I (Data pipe line development) | 23/08/2018 | Ms. Chavali Sumana |
08 | IIA/14/2018/ | Engineer Trainee (Computer/Information Technology) | 21/08/2018 | Mr. Tsewang Stanzin |
09 | IIA/12/2018 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 20/07/2018 | Mr. Suraj Kumar |
10 | IIA/11/2018 | Engineer Trainee (Mechanical) | 19/07/2018 | Mr. Rajath C. |
11 | IIA/10/2018 | Museum Trainee | 03/07/2018 | 1) Ms. Jayasudha. G. 2) Ms. Deepiga. D. |
12 | IIA/05/2018 | Project Purchase Assistant – II | 27/06/2018 | Mr. Raghavendra T. |
13 | IIA/07/2018 | Jr. Research Fellow (DST Project) | 11/06/2018 | Ms. P. Meenakshi |
14 | IIA/06/2018/2 | Technician Optics – I | 07/06/2018 | Mr. Rahuldeb Burman |
15 | IIA/06/2018/1 | Technician Optics – II | 06/06/2018 | 1) Mr. Nataraj. G. 2) Mr. Chethan. C |
16 | IIA/01/2018 | Librarian | 25/05/2018 | Mr. Arumugam Pitchai |
17 | IIA/11/2017/1 | Administrative Officer | 25/01/2018 | Mr. Shripathi. K |
18 | IIA/11/2017/2 | Dy. Administrative Officer | 23/01/2018 | Mrs. Vasumathi. S |
19 | IIA/11/2017/3 | Engineer – C (Electronics)) | 21/03/2018 | Mr. Sai Prabhath Deevi |
20 | IIA/11/2017/4 | Administrative Assistant | 23/03/2018 | Mr. Rajinikanth |
21 | IIA/11/2017/5 | Upper Division Clerk | 23/03/2018 | None |
22 | IIA/11/2017/6 | Technical Assistant (Computer) | 23/03/2018 | None |
23 | IIA/12/2017/1 | Project Scientist (Science) | 05/03/2018 | Dr. Ramya Sethuram |
24 | IIA/12/2017/2 | Project Scientist (Optics) | 05/03/2018 | None |
25 | IIA/13/2017 | Research Trainee | 28/12/2017 | Mr. Ashish Devaraj |
26 | IIA/14/2017/2 | Project Scientist – I | 17.04.2018 | 1. Mr. Deepangkar Sarkar 2. Ms. Pooja Kushal Ramani |
27 | IIA/15/2017 | Research Associate – II | 04/01/2018 | Dr. K. Chandrasekhar |
28 | IIA/02/2018/1 | Project Scientist | 15/03/2018 | Mr. Venkata Suresh Narra |
29 | IIA/02/2018/2 | Laboratory Technician (Electrical) | 15/03/2018 | 1. Mr. Suresha 2. Mr. Shirdhankar Kirtish Sadanand |
30 | IIA/04/2018 | Project Trainee (Mechanical) | 04/04/2018 | Mr. Jeevan V. |
31 | IIA/04/2018 | Project Trainee (Mechanical) | 04/04/2018 | Mr. Jayakumar P.S. |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate |
01 | IIA/8/2017 | Post Doctoral Fellow (DST project) |
28/09/2017 | Dr. Binu Kumar |
02 | IIA/9/2017 | Engineer Trainee (Civil) | 03/10/2017 | Mr. Umesha T Mr. S Karthik |
03 | IIA/7/2017/2 | Project Engineer-I (Software) (India TMT Project) |
04/10/2017 | Mr. Girish M |
04 | IIA/7/2017/5 | Project Scientific Associate-I (India TMT Project) |
05.10.2017 | Ms. Devika K Divakar |
05 | IIA/7/2017/6 | Engineer Trainee (Adaptive Optics Project) |
16/10/2017 | Ms. Aishwarya Selvaraj |
06 | IIA/7/2017/6 | Research Trainee (Adaptive Optics Project) |
17/10/2017 | None |
07 | IIA/1/2017/11 | Techincal Assistant (Computer) | -- | Re-advertise |
08 | IIA/1/2017/10 | Mechanic - A | 29-30/08/2017 | Mr. T. Vishnu Mr. P. Prasobh Mr. A.M. Udaya Kumar |
09 | IIA/1/2017/9 | Technical Assistant (Civil) | 28/08/2017 | Mr. A.M. Balasubramanian |
10 | IIA/1/2017/8 | Upper Division Clerk | -- | Re-advertise |
11 | IIA/1/2017/7 | Admin. Assistant | 28/08/2017 | Mr. C.Vivek Ms. K.Thejaswini |
12 | IIA/1/2017/6 | Jr. Research Assistant (Observations) | 28/08/2017 | Mr. M. Rajesh |
13 | IIA/1/2017/5 | Section Officer | 22-23/08/2017 |
Mr. Srinivasarao Vuyyruru Mr. P. Selvakumar |
14 | IIA/1/2017/4 | Dy. Admin. Officer | 21/08/2017 | None - Re-advertise |
15 | IIA/1/2017/3 | Engineer-C (Electronics) | 23/08/2017 | Mr. D.V.S. Phanindra |
16 | IIA/1/2017/2 | Engineer-C (Electronics) | 22/08/2017 | None - Re-advertise |
17 | IIA/1/2017/1 | Librarian | 21/08/2017 | Dr. Ishappa Bandhi |
18 | IIA/7/2017/3 | Project Engineer-I (Optics) | 15/09/2017 | 1) Mr. Prasanna Gajanan Deshmukh 2) Mr. Alikhan Basheer |
19 | IIA/6/2017 | Project Scientific Associate-I | 27/07/2017 | 1) Ms. Annie Varghese 2) Mr. Shalabh Mishra 3) Mr. Sunil Kumar Chaubey |
20 | IIA/5/2017 | Project Engineer-I (Mech.) | 28/06/2017 | Mr. Pawan Kumar. S |
21 | IIA/5/2017 | Jr. Research Fellow | 15/03/2017(Walk-in) | Mr. K. Sriram |
22 | IIA/4/2017 | Engineer Trainee | 30/05/2017 | 1) Mr. Ramesh A. Benure 2) Mr. Ramachandra Prabhu.D |
23 | IIA/3/2017 | Project Scientific Associate-I | 05/05/2017 | None |
24 | IIA/2/2017 | Project Scientific Associate-I | 01/05/2017 | None |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate |
01 | 4/1/1/2016 | Engineer-B (Software) | 09/12/2016 | Ms. Chinchu Mohanan K |
02 | 4/1/2/2016 | Engineer-B (Optics) | 03/11/2016 04/11/2016 |
Mr. Naveen Kumar Mishra Mr. N. Raj Kumar |
03 | 4/1/3/2016 | Section Officer | 20/10/2016 | Mr. V. Vijayaraj |
04 | 4/1/4/2016 | Technical Assistant (Optics) | 05/12/2016 | Ms. B.S. Remya |
05 | 4/1/5/2016 | Technical Assistant (Civil) | 05/12/2016 | None |
06 | 4/1/6/2016 | Upper Division Clerk | 28/12/2016 | Mr. Ravindra.R Ms. Shruthi Anil Mathew Mr. Bhaskarachari. A.V Mr. Ravichandra.J Mr. Muralidhara.S.V |
07 | 4/1/7/2016 | Jr. Technical Assistant (Drafting) | 06/12/2016 | Mr. Suresh Kumar. B |
08 | 4/1/8/2016 | Mechanic – A | 07/12/2016 | None |
09 | 4/2/1/2016 | Upper Division Clerk | 28/12/2016 | Mr. Keshava Murthy.R.S |
10 | 4/2/2/2016 | Mechanic – A | - | - |
11 | 4/3/1/2016 | Jr. Research Assistant (Observations) |
20/11/2016 & 21/11/2016 |
Mr. Anand. M.N |
12 | 4/3/2/2016 | Mechanic – A | 07/12/2016 | None |
13 | 4/4/2016 | Lower Division Clerk (Caretaker) | 06/12/2016 | Mr. Vivek Kumar |
14 | 4/5/2016 | Laboratory Assistant (Electrical) | 08/12/2016 | Mr. Dhanlal. K |
15 | 4/6/2016 | Jr. Research Assistant (Observations) | 20/11/2016 & 21/11/2016 |
- |
16 | IIA/6/2016 | Library Trainee | 3/10/2016 | Mr. R. Ashwini Kumar Mr. K.Murali |
17 | IIA/10/2016 | Engineer Trainee | 26/9/2016 | Mr. D.S.Sandeep Mr. Abhishek Kiran Goudar |
18 | IIA/5/3/2016 | Project Engineer –I (Mechanical) |
22/9/2016 | Mr. Varun Saraswat |
19 | IIA/5/1/2016 | Project Engineer-II (Mechanical) |
22/9/2016 | Mr. Ameya. J. Sawant |
20 | IIA/7/2/2016 | Project Engineer –II (Optical) |
22/8/2016 | Mr. N. Rajkumar |
21 | IIA/7/1/2016 | Project Engineer –II (Mechanical) |
22/8/2016 | Mr. V. Natarajan |
22 | IIA/9/2016 | Research Trainee | 1/8/2016 | Mr. Prajwel Payyapilly Ms. K.R. Varsha |
Sl. No. | Advt. No. | Name of the position | Date of interview | Selected Candidate |
01 | IIA/09/1/2015 | Engineer Trainee (Electronics) | 16/12/2015 | Mr. Rakesh Nangunuri |
02 | IIA/09/2/2015 | Engineer Trainee (Mechanical) | 18/12/2015 | Mr. M. Sivakumar |
03 | IIA/11/2015 | Project Assistant (Drafting) | 03/11/2015 | Mr. Pawan kumar |
04 | IIA/14/1/2015 | Project Tech. Assistant-II | 10/12/2015 | Mr. Surojit Kumar Roy |
05 | IIA/14/2/2015 | Project admin Assistant-II | 11/12/2015 | Ms. Arul Delbin Rosy |
06 | IIA/15/2015 | Engineer Trainee | 30/10/2015 | Mr. S. Vishal Mr. Mahammad Jafar |
07 | IIA/18/2015 | Junior Research Fellow | 15/12/2015 | Ms. P. Meenakshi |
08 | IIA/03/2015 | Consultant-Administration | 11/08/2015 | Mr. C. H. Basavaraju |
09 | IIA/04/2015 | Project Scientist/Engineer-IIOptics | 18/08/2015 | None Selected |
10 | IIA/05/2015 | Project Scientist/Engineer-IOptics | 18/08/2015 | Mr. Naveen Kumar Mishra |
11 | IIA/07/2015 | Engineer Trainee | 13/08/2015 | Mr. S. S. Vishnu |
12 | IIA/13/2015 | Skilled Technican website | 14/08/2015 | Mr. M. G. Mohan |