Haosheng Lin

NameHaosheng Lin
TitleCoronal Spectroscopy and Spectropolarimetry - Deciphering the 3D Structure of Coronal Magnetic Fields
AuthorsHaosheng Lin
AbstractSpectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of coronal emission lines (CELs) are the most powerful tools for direct observational measurement of the coronal magnetic fields. Early efforts by the pioneers of the field in the 1950s and 1960s showed the world the tantalizing diagnostic potential of these observations for the study of the corona. Today, the Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter (CoMP) has been providing synoptic full-corona CEL linear polarization data for a decade. The 4-m Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) will soon provide the capability to conduct regular observation of full-Stokes observations of many coronal emission lines with high sensitivity and resolution; and the Ādityá mission will provide for the first time CEL coronal magnetic field observations from space. However, due to the low optical density of the coronal atmosphere, observations from multiple vintage points and tomographic inversion techniques are required to decipher the 3D structure of the coronal magnetic fields. This talk describes the effort at the Institute for Astronomy of the University of Hawaii focused on the development of new instrumentation and vector tomographic inversion algorithm for a future Solar Space TOmogRaphic Magnetometry (Solar STORM) mission. Solar STORM is envisioned as mission with multiple spacecraft equipped with disk and coronal spectropolarimeter and EUV imager in circumsolar orbits to perform simultaneous tomographic observations of the sun. Such a mission will enable detailed study of the dynamics of the coronal atmosphere and its interaction with the coronal magnetic fields to help understand the physics of solar eruptions.