Sami Solanki

NameSami K. Solanki
AffiliationMax Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany
TitlePhysics of Solar Irradiance Variations
AuthorsSami K. Solanki and Natalie Krivova
AbstractPhysics of Solar Irradiance Variations The solar irradiance, i.e. the brightness of the Sun-as-a-star observed at 1AU, has been observed to vary on all accessible timescales, ranging from minutes to decades, with the solar rotation and solar cycle timescales being particularly prominent. Although many physical causes have been proposed to explain these variations, it is now clear that the main cause of irradiance variability at timescales from days to decades is the magnetic features at the solar surface, while at shorter timescales other sources, such as convection are likely to become important as well. This was demonstrated in the last few years using sophisticated modelling including state-of-the-art 3D MHD simulations incorporating as much physics as possible. The understanding gained in this manner has been used to reconstruct solar irradiance variations further back in time, to the Maunder minimum and beyond.