Sun & Solar System


Studies of the Sun and solar system have been the longest pursued discipline at IIA. More than a century long observational studies of the Sun are continuing to be actively pursued at the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory.

Members of the group conduct theoretical, numerical modeling, and observational research on the working of the Sun: structure and dynamics of its interior (through helioseismology), its photosphere, chromosphere, and the corona. Members have carried out research using the Institute's own facilities as well as international facilities on the ground and in space, have contributed to and kept pace with recent advances.

Research Areas

Solar Interior Dynamics & Helioseismology


Studies related to understanding the interior of the Sun, the sunspots on its surface, and its relation to energetic eruptions from the Sun are the key research areas on the theoretical front.


Solar cycle & Magnetic fields


Magnetic fields are responsible for the activity of the Sun. It is important to understand the physical processes underlying the generation of magnetic fields and their interaction with the atmospheric medium.


Solar Flares & CME


Studies related to the eruptions on the sun - Solar flares, coronal heating, acceleration of the solar wind, coronal mass ejections (CME) and the underlying physical processes causing these phenomena.


Transients & MHD waves


Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) simulations, Imaging, spectral, and polarimetric studies to investigate the dynamics of sunspot regions and solar atmosphere. Statistical studies of the solar activity and its variability.


Solar Wind & Heliosphere


Solar wind and its effects on earth's atmosphere, acceleration mechanisms, heliosphere and heliosheath, variations in the solar wind with solar cycle and the extent of heliosphere, solar storms.


Space Weather


Studies related to the variations in conditions inside the solar system caused by solar activity, effects in the immediate vicinity of earth, influence on earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, auroral activity in earth's atmosphere.


Solar Corona & Radio Sun


Low frequency radio observations of sun, radio emissions from the solar corona, occultation studies of solar corona using cosmic radio continuum sources, synthesis imaging of sun, radio spectroscopic studies of corona.




Development of solar polarimeters, multiline spectro-polarimeters, Adaptive optics systems for solar telescopes, optical design and finite element analysis, design/development of radio antennas and receiver systems.



The institute has its own dedicated solar observing facilities in the Kodaikanal Observatory (for observations in the optical wavelengths), and Gauribidanur Observatory (for observations in the radio wavelengths). Some of these observational facilities and the back-end instruments are due to continuing in-house design, fabrication and developmental efforts. A low order tip-tilt image compensation system is currently under development to understand the practical aspects of the adaptive optics (AO), which is important to improve the angular resolution and sensitivity of the ground based optical telescopes. A space based facility (Visible Emission Line Space Coronagraph) is now operational, in partnership with several other Indian institutions and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Upcoming solar facilities

The Institute is now developing new observational facilities (the National Large Solar Telescope). These initiatives have taken several years of planning and field work in the recent past resulting in concrete developmental activities.

Last updated on July 27, 2024