From October 2016 onwards, observatory access is open to Guest Observers from the Indian science community. Observing time will be awarded on the basis of peer-reviewed proposals. An AstroSat Support Cell has been set up for the purpose of providing assistance to Guest Observers in making observing proposals and in analyzing science data of the AstroSat mission, including UVIT.
The Indian Space Science Data Center (ISSDC) generates the Level1 (L1) data for the UVIT payload, which consists of uncorrected photon-counting event data in the ultraviolet (UV) channels and ~1-second visible (VIS) channel images, along with auxiliary data. This L1 data is then transferred to the UVIT Payload Operations Centre (POC) for further processing.
At the UVIT POC, the L1 data is processed into high-level (Level2 or L2) data products. These L2 products include drift-corrected UV event lists and image products generated from them. If necessary, the POC also applies corrections to the L1 data. Once processing is complete, both the L2 products and any modified L1 data are sent back to ISSDC for dissemination.
Please click here to see the UVIT POC processing status of UVIT observations